
I have started this blog with the idea to share my recipes that Im constantly e-mailing my friends and family. I think it will be grand to have this area to share my thoughts, my adventures in the kitchen, and my failures. I currently have a small baking/catering business that I run out of my home. I hope that one day, by doing the things I love, can expand into a shop- perhaps a pie shop. I am also studying for a BS in nutritional biology, to learn more about the foods we put into our bodies. I want to incorporate that knowledge with my love of cooking and health. Even though baking sweet treats is something I love to do, there will be a lot of recipes that are carb free, fat free and gluten free. I also like to garden, sew, and crochet, and I enjoy doing so with a martini in my hand and wearing a dress and high heels. I know I am a piece of work, but for all of you that know me-I'm silly, I love to cook, I mock out of love, and I'm excited to share my clumsy, funny, sightly tipsy (at times) adventures with you! Cawww!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Skinny Bitch Meals: Thai Halibut En Papillote with Stir fry Baby Bok Choy and Shiitake Mushrooms

Thai Halibut En Papillote with Stir fry Baby Bok Choy and Shiitake Mushrooms

Please note that the fish only cooks 10 minutes, and the bok choy only takes 10 minutes, so once you are prepped, this is a very quick dish to make!

You can eat the heck out of this ...as much as you want!  No carbs, all protein..Woot!

Halibut En Papillote:

Pre heat oven to 350 degrees
Serves 4

First of all for those who do not know, En Papillote just means in paper.  Just follow the photographs and directions, and this seared and steamed fish dish will impress everyone...especially grand to entertain with because it stays warm and has a nice display.

 4- 6 oz portion of Halibut

1/4 cup of low fat coconut milk

2 t red curry

2 T chopped lemongrass

2 T chopped garlic

2 T grated ginger

1 Sliced Scallion

2 T Soy Sauce

2 t Red Curry powder

2 T Sea Salt

2 T Pepper

2 Portions of Parchment paper cut into proper shapes

Lime for garnish

Stir fry Baby Bok Choy and Shiitake Mushrooms:

1 lb Shiitake mushrooms

6 bunches of Baby Bok Choy (they really shrink down like spinach so don't scrimp on the bok!)

2 T Lemongrass

2 T Ginger

1 Sliced Scallion

2 T chopped garlic

3 T Soy Sauce

3 T Cilantro (plus some for garnish)

Zest of 1 lime

Juice of one lime

2 T peanut oil

1 t Sesame seed oil

Halibut En Papillote:

Take your fish out and bring to room temp.  Season both sides with sea salt and pepper.  Get a dry pan really hot and sear both sides of the fish for 1 minute each...set aside.
Fold a big piece of parchment paper and cut a half of a heart out of the folded side.  Brush both sides of the paper with oil  peanut, olive whatever-not really vegetable oil though..ew.  Put a tablespoon of coconut milk down, 1 teaspoon of the red curry, a tablespoon of the ginger, lemongrass and garlic.  Put the seared piece of fish on top of that, with sliced scallions, one more tablespoon of coconut milk, and 1 tablespoon of soy sauce on that.  Fold over the parchment paper and crimp the edges.  (see photo)
Bake at 350 for 10 minutes.  NO LONGER!!!!  Serve in the paper and the person enjoying this will tear open the package and squeeze fresh lime over the top before eating.

Stir fry Baby Bok Choy and Shiitake Mushrooms:

Put the oils in a wok, or a large frying pan, if you don't have a wok. (get a wok).  Swirl the oil around to coat the pan.  Put the ginger, and lemon grass in the pan and let saute for a minute.  Lay the mushrooms in one layer in the pan.  If they are stacked on top of each other they will steam and get all limp, they will not saute.  DO NOT MESS WITH THEM.  Just let them saute on their own, you don't have to peck at them with a spatula or anything.  Once they are brown and smell really good, add the garlic and lime zest.  Now you can give them a toss.  Its OK if some of them are sticking to the pan, you will De glaze the pan soon and scrape up all the yummy bits.  Wash, spin to get extra water off and chop the bok choy.  Add it to the pan with soy sauce and lime juice.  Give everything a big stir, mix in all the mushroom that may have stuck on the bottom.  Finish off with chopped cilantro.  Serve immediately.  Do not over saute this dish, you want your bok choy to be bright green and with a bit of a crunch.   Limp, brown greens are nasty.  This should only take you 10 minutes...the same amount of time the fish is in the oven!

Haaaaaaaa...Enjoy!  Vedy good!


  1. Yes! Looks VEDY good. I want to make this. Yummmy, love halibut and Thai! Thanks, Malissa! XOXO

  2. Domesticated Peacock, this looks super yummy!! I'm defiantly going to have to try it in the next few weeks. How about a mahi-mahi recipe??

  3. Ok, I have a ton of Mahi-Mahi ideas, but it is too thin to cook in the paper...I will post one soon! Im glad you liked this one:)

  4. Buttercup, this looks delicious, healthy & EASY ! I hope You have turned Spencer on to your blog.....xxoo
