
I have started this blog with the idea to share my recipes that Im constantly e-mailing my friends and family. I think it will be grand to have this area to share my thoughts, my adventures in the kitchen, and my failures. I currently have a small baking/catering business that I run out of my home. I hope that one day, by doing the things I love, can expand into a shop- perhaps a pie shop. I am also studying for a BS in nutritional biology, to learn more about the foods we put into our bodies. I want to incorporate that knowledge with my love of cooking and health. Even though baking sweet treats is something I love to do, there will be a lot of recipes that are carb free, fat free and gluten free. I also like to garden, sew, and crochet, and I enjoy doing so with a martini in my hand and wearing a dress and high heels. I know I am a piece of work, but for all of you that know me-I'm silly, I love to cook, I mock out of love, and I'm excited to share my clumsy, funny, sightly tipsy (at times) adventures with you! Cawww!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My new cupcake display for a Woven Carmel Apple Pie!

Its great that since everyone loves pie..I can trade for services that I need!  I am very thankful..but...

For the past 3 years, on the morning of the weekends, I enjoy sleeping in.  Until I hear the relentless sound of saws, hammering and a power sander.  It has killed me-time and time again, I storm out of bed, flip my sleep mask off, charge to the windows and wildly close them to cut out the godforsaken sounds coming from a garage across the way.  Two weeks ago in the midst of a good Saturday morning sleep session, I found myself once again, getting up in disgrace...cursing the sounds across the way.  Then I dared to think to myself,"what the heck is this man doing in there!" 
Bob is a kind man that is a retired cabinet maker that now spends his time doing this and that in his garage.  I went over and introduced myself and was impressed by his full -on set up wood shop domain.  He now makes me my displays, and I make him pie, we are friends-and now when I hear his saws in the morning, I don't care.  I should have introduced myself to Bob sooner instead of grunting for 3 years!  So a fist in the air to neighbors helping neighbors!  Loud saws on Saturday mornings and all...

This display is huge and collapses so I can travel with it.  And plain wood so I can decorate it with different fabrics/ribbon for the occasion.

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